Of course, I don't have any pictures to prove it, but Luke got the game ball last night after his tee ball game. He has really been enjoying himself this season. I think he is finally getting the hang of all the rules, when to run, how to stop a grounder, which base to run to, etc. He LOVES to bat and run to the bases, but he is quite reserved about running fast. And trust me, I know the boy has some speed.
He made it to first base last night and the first base coach leaned down and told Luke he wanted to see just how hard and fast he could run to second base. When the next batter took a swing and a hit, Luke was off!!!! He was running as hard as he could and just before he made it to the base he fell. I mean dirt in your eyes, red clay on your pants, scrape your elbow kind of fall. He didn't shed on tear, just got right back up and got to the base. He is becoming such a little man.
When the coach pulled the team together to give away the prized game ball, Luke's face lit up like a Christmas tree when his name was announced. He looked right at me with the biggest grin on his face. I'm so proud of my Bubba and how hard he works and tries his best. I think more tee ball will definitely be in our future!
Bits and Pieces, Joy and Sorrow
7 years ago