Chris's Change of Command

Chris's Change of Command

Daily Bible Verse

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Two and Four

The first 3 months of Hayley's life are kind of hazy. I remember the screaming from colic and the sweet quiet times of her nursing. I remember trying to balance two children, take care of myself, and be a wife seemed almost like an impossible task. I remember Luke's precious face as a 23 month old when baby sister came home from the hospital. I remember praying every night that God would make me the mother and wife that He wanted me to be. Boy, how things changed for all of us.
My motto during that time was, "When they are two and four, it is going to be so much fun!" Well, here we are at two and a half and four and a half and "fun" is one of the MANY words I would use to describe life at this point. My days are spent at tea parties and wrestling tickle matches. Some days the words, "Are you showing your sister/brother love?" are uttered over a thousand times. Luke 6:31 is spoken daily in this house and I KNOW that they will actually abide by The Golden Rule one day. We laugh, cry, sing, and dance. There are days that I cannot wait for the quiet of the evening, but after all is calm, I always sneak into their rooms for one more kiss while they are sleeping. I am so in love with two and four that I don't want three and five to come. But something tells me that it is only going to get better.


  1. What a beautiful and heartfelt post. I too, think of two and four one day: it's the time that I've chosen to combine their rooms! Cherish these days- Love you

  2. I too can't wait till Ella can play w/her new brother/sister. I'm sure the first year or so will be quite crazy though. I don't know how to do one most days, so I often wonder how I will handle two.


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