Chris's Change of Command

Chris's Change of Command

Daily Bible Verse

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Sunday

I love Easter. Every bit of the entire holiday. I find myself loving Easter even more than Christmas as I get older. The message of Easter is the most important story that anyone could ever hear. And to know that it is not just a story.... it is Truth. The Truth that my God loves me so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for my sins, is the most amazing Truth to be told. A Truth that is not just for me, but for ALL of His children. A Truth that washes me with grace, mercy, and forgiveness everyday of my life.

Now that is love, God's unconditional love.

I used the Resurrection Eggs to tell the story of Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice to the kids again this year. For the two weeks before Easter, we sit together and open one egg each day. Each item inside the eggs represents a different part of the story. I would then read a part of the Easter story to them from the Bible and we would talk about what it all means. Sharing this time together really helped to prepare my heart for the true meaning of Easter.

Luke was really into the story of Jesus's death and resurrection this year. We talked about what Jesus did for us alot. He had many questions and I think he really is getting just how much God loves him. On Easter Sunday, they didn't have Sunday School so the children had to go to "Big church" with Chris and I. They called all the children down to the front for Children's Time, a short sermon geared for little ones. Of course the lesson was on Easter and Jesus's resurrection. Luke had his hand raised every time a question about the story was asked. Our pastor called on him 3 different times and each time Luke shared a portion of the Easter story from the Bible. It was like he was quoting scripture. So precious. The last question was about what the women found when they went to the tomb. The pastor called on Luke and he said " The women saw that the stone was rolled away and they were scared, but an angel told them Don't be scared. He is RISEN!!!!!" Well, when Luke said this the entire congregation began to applaud. He was so cute. His face lit up with the biggest smile. The whole time he was up there I was wishing that I had the video camera!!!! I think we may have a minister in the making!!!!!
What a blessed Easter we had together as a family. Church, then home to change clothes and over to a friend's home to share in Easter dinner with several other families. So much fun. And finally home for an Easter egg hunt, eating almost all the jelly beans that were found. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter too!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a neat story about Luke...your heart must have been completely full. wow! so sweet. And you most certainly don't look like you just had a baby! you are such a super mama.

  3. What a beautiful family! Y'all all look great!

    Glad that you had a happy Easter! And I love the Resurrection Eggs, too. We did them this year for the first time.


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