The thought of this post has been running around in my head for weeks. It seems God has billboards up everywhere pointing out this one theme in my life right now.
Don't you love it when God continues to put a "theme" into each and everyday of your life? When you know without a shadow of a doubt that He is telling you something. Something He wants to refine, sharpen, and bring purpose to in your life. For the past few months, God continues to bring the thought of GRACE to the forefront of each minute, each day, each week of my waking moments.
Grace was described to me by a wonderful Bible teacher and mentor over ten years ago while we lived in Hawaii. Grace is a gift. A gift that we don't deserve but that is lovingly given to each of us. It is an unexpected gift. For instance, hypothetically speaking of course, when a child does something that you have warned a million times will hurt him/her if he/she continues down this path. The child then continues down the wrong path and he/she ends up hurt, angry, frustrated. Grace is a parent not saying "I told you so" but instead "I love you and forgive you. Let us learn from our mistakes and move on." A gift, so unexpected....GRACE.
The ultimate display of grace of course is Jesus, dying for us on the cross, forgiving EVERY wrong doing, so that we may be with Him and live with Him in Heaven where there is no sorrow, no suffering, no pain. A gift so undeserved, but He loves us that much. Humbling. Life changing. So the question is....what do I do with this grace that has been given to me.
Share it. Live it. Give it.
It is as simple and complex as that.
When my family doesn't deserve grace, I need to choose to give it to them. To be a reflection of our Heavenly Father. When the lady behind the counter at Walmart is grumpy and slow, I need to show her grace. When my friend has hurt my feelings, I need to show her grace. When the man cuts me off in traffic, I need to show him grace. It challenges me. Stretches me. And I believe it is exactly what God wants from me.
No, it is not huge and earth shaking, but God is in the small things too. And with each small act of grace, God plants a seed. He grows it. He tends it and watches it flourish and bloom. And soon, there is a garden of Believers. A garden that goes out and shares grace with others.
Such a small word with an ENORMOUS meaning.
My point....
To remind myself that if Jesus can lavish grace on me, a sinner, then I most definitely can share His gift with others. My family, friends, a stranger.....
That's all.
Bits and Pieces, Joy and Sorrow
7 years ago
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