Chris's Change of Command

Chris's Change of Command

Daily Bible Verse

Friday, August 21, 2009

All You Need Is a Box......

In the spirit of school starting in two weeks, we have been gearing up by playing "school" to review letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. Both Luke and Hayley are getting very excited about meeting their teachers next week and starting a new year at school. Here is some of their work.

Hayley's Family Portrait. She even included Hannah Beth. And folks, Hayley does not have bunny ears. I was corrected and told that she has pigtails!!

Another family portrait

A picture of Chris and I made by Luke

Luke is going into KINDERGARTEN which kind of blows my mind. The only thing that helps me not sob uncontrollably about this HUGE step is that we are keeping him at the school where he attended Pre-K. Hayley will also be at the same school in the Pre-K class. Public school Kindergarten in VA is only half days, and Luke and Hayley's schedules would have allowed me about an hour and forty five minutes to run errands, clean, yada yada yada. With Hannah on her way, Chris and I thought that having them in the same place on the same 9 to Noon schedule would help as far as keeping things as simple as possible. Not to mention, we absolutely love the school that they attend. Next year when they both head to BIG school, I may need a few boxes of Kleenex just to make it through the first day!!!!!!

Anywho....back to the box. With all the coloring, letter writing, and creative thinking we have been doing, both Luke and Hayley have created some beautiful masterpieces. One of their favorite things to do is color or draw a picture for Baby Hannah's nursery. I have about 20 to 30 pieces of artwork that I will make into a book for Hannah to have when she arrives.

Hayley working on another picture for her sister.

A picture Luke colored for Hannah

On Wednesday, we headed out to Babies R Us to purchase an infant car seat for Hannah. The kids crack me up in that store! They run to all the different outfits for baby girls and ohhhhh and ahhhhh over how cute Hannah would be in each one. Once we got home with the car seat, I thought the box might make some new creative moments. They were so excited about their "Clubhouse" and got right to work.
A shot of the inside of the clubhouse. Many windows were put in so they could have some sunlight come in!

The ladybug that lives on top of the clubhouse

All you need is a box!

1 comment:

  1. They are so precious! And won't Hannah be thrilled to see how loved she was even before she was born. What an awesome big brother and big sister.


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