The week before Easter, I spent our school time working on a lapbook with the kids based on the story The Legend of the Easter Egg by Lori Walburg.
Our lapbook incorporated math, reading, writing, vocabulary, geography, science, poetry and social studies into one nice neat package. We will definitely be doing more lapbooks. The kids were so sad to finish because it was so much fun.
Here they are with their finished products.
We read the book the morning of the first day.
They worked on memorising Luke 24:5-6 as their scripture for the week.
We estimated, sorted, grouped, and counted candy eggs. Then we made a bar graph to show how many eggs we had of each color.
We learned about Faberge Eggs and where they were made.
We read the story of the Last Supper and discussed what the elements at the supper stand for.
We worked on a poem about Easter Eggs and then what we celebrate on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
One of the science elements was to study the inside of an egg and label the different parts.
Such a great learning experience.
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