Chris's Change of Command

Chris's Change of Command

Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bonjour Butterfly!

Hayley has been in love with Fancy Nancy books since she was about 2 and a half.  We would read them every night before bed and several times through out the day when she was little bitty.  We read "Bonjour Butterfly" for about 2 months straight every single day.  Hayley loved the part in the book when Nancy's grandparents took her to the Butterfly House.
Hayley became obsessed with butterflies for awhile.  There was even a little white butterfly that loved the bushes in our backyard while we lived in Chesapeake that Hayley named Stella.  She would talk to her each time she spotted her outside.  She said it was her pet! 

While we were visiting Grammy and Big Daddy, they took us down to Callaway Gardens to see the Butterfly House.  All I can say is fascinating.  Butterflies were EVERYWHERE.  I loved the blue ones, but I never could get a good shot of one.  I was a little freaked out when one particular butterfly flew into my face.  It was so big.  More like a small bird than a butterfly.  I got over it very quickly and enjoyed the rest of our visit.

Here are some butterflies just coming out of their cocoons.

In butterfly heaven...

One of the volunteers placed this butterfly on Hannah.  I think she want to scream but was unsure of what might happen if she did.  She was so still. 

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